Yoni Egg FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions

Yoni Eggs

~ How often should I use my Yoni Egg

I recommend starting with just 15-20 minutes every few days for the first few weeks, then you can increase as you see fit.  Be mindful that while wearing your Yoni Egg your internal vaginal muscles are working, so if you wear it for too long, you will tire those muscles out. 

I suggest working out a Yoni Yoga routine for approx. 30-60 minutes and then either extract the egg when done, or wear for a while until you are ready to release the egg and it's energy. 

~ How Do I clean my Yoni Egg

You can clean your egg a few ways, but please never boil it.  The best way to clean your Yoni Egg is in a bowl of luke warm salt water.  You could also choose to use Apple cider vinegar in place of salt. 

~ Can my Yoni egg get stuck?

No, it will always come out. The top of your cervix is closed, and if like me, you do not have a cervix, you will have a cuff (stitched closure) at the top of your vagina.  If you are using a stringed egg and the string breaks, or you are using an egg without a string, I suggest squatting and coughing.  This will generally pop the egg out, so be ready to catch it.  Otherwise, don't panic. Just walk a round for a while with it in and let gravity to it's job. 

~ Are they safe to use

Whilst there are varying opinions out there, YES Yoni Eggs are safe to use.

For me, it’s no different than using a vibrator, Kegel weights or for that matter the speculum etc they use when giving you a pap smear.  As long as it is clean and looked after, I am fairly certain it’s no different than putting anything else inside your vagina ladies. 

A Yoni Egg is generally safe for most, however I always recommend people get the all clear from their health professional before to starting any new practice. If you are pregnant, had a baby within the last 6 weeks or have had any recent issues or surgery in that area, always check with your doctor first.