Labradorite is a beautiful, highly mystical and protective stone which can be very useful in healing practices. Identifiable by the beautiful blue, and sometimes yellow hues in this stone, Labradorite is one of my favourite stones and looks great on display or worn in a piece of jewellery.
Labradorite increases intuition by opening the Third Eye Chakra which enables deeper insight and enhanced psychic visions. This is a great stone to increase spiritual awareness and harness your psychic abilities and higher energy. This stone can also be useful to stop positive energy leaking or escaping.
If you are wanting help with insomnia, put a Labradorite stone under your pillow or mattress. Due to Labradotie’s deep spiritual nature, it works while you are sleeping, encouraging more deep and meaningful sleep. This beautiful stone is also known to have pain-relieving and hormone-balancing properties, making it a wonderful crystal to work with if you are suffering from symptoms of PMS or menopause.
Sometimes referred to as ‘The bringer of light’ or ‘rainbow moonstone’, Labradorite helps raise consciousness and facilitates connection with universal energies - extremely powerful under a full moon. It can deflect unwanted energies from the Aura making it a great stone for cleansing tarot cards or to cleanse a crystal healer or spirit worker. This stone also forms a barrier to negative energy and facilitates grounding your spiritual energies. Labradorite can also be used to stimulate intuition and introspection.
Labradorite is also a useful stone during times of difficulty or change as it aids with strength and perseverance.
Spiritual and Emotional
~ protect against negative energy
~ amplify rituals and connections to the spiritual realm
~ banished fears and insecurities
~ strengthens self belief and trust in the universe
~ calms an overactive mind
~ energises the imagination encouraging new ideas
~ brings about the intention behind thoughts and actions
~ can be helpful to bring up repressed memories
~dispels illusions
~ ease eye disorders and disorders of the brain
~ relieve stress
~ regulate metabolism
~ treats colds, gout, rheumatism
~ balances hormones
~ ease menstrual tension
~ lower blood pressure
~ reduce insomnia
Wear over higher heart chakra
Star Sign:
Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces
Tags - protection, insomnia, sleep, rainbow moonstone, intuition, third eye chakra, psychic visions, strength, perseverance, spiritual awareness, fears, insecurities, calm the mind, imagination, intentions, eye disorders, brain disorders, stress, metabolism, colds, gout, rheumatism, hormones, menstruation, blood pressure, Heart Chakra, Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces, psychic,